First Milk Women in Agriculture group
In 2020, First Milk launched its Women in Agriculture (WIA) group in recognition of the vital role women play in farming businesses. Comprised of First Milk’s female members and farm staff, membership now stands around 60.
The group offers the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences, connect with others and both seek support from and provide it to one another. Farming can be an isolating industry. By offering a safe and secure forum through which to share the highs and lows of farming life, the group provides a valuable network for women directly involved with First Milk farms.
Meetings are a mixture of in-person and virtual events, as well as the group connecting informally via a WhatsApp chat room.
The importance of diversity to team performance is a subject central to the group’s purpose and was addressed in a virtual event last year. It is hoped a better understanding of the co-operative among group members leads to a greater interest in and involvement with the business. This could potentially include standing for positions on the Member Council and Board, and improving diversity and gender equality across First Milk.
Through its activities, the group also aims to learn more about the challenges First Milk women face and how it can best deliver what members need to help overcome them. For example, after a lack of succession planning and poor inter-generational communication was identified as a common issue for members, a future meeting will feature experts working in this area.
Since 2020 the group has had real impact on its members, and we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate this success, sharing some of the group’s stories and what it has meant to them.
For more information or to join the group, please contact your local Area Manager or the Membership Team on 0141 847 6800 or